I was reading Daniel chapter 10 and the angel told Daniel "...since you've been praying to YOUR GOD..." that said plenty. God speaks to each of us in diverse ways, ways that we find our selves a lot more able to understand.
I don't like the place too quiet, so I just play a film and let it be there in the background.
Some people don't like it quiet at all, so they play loud music, they cannot watch films. They play it till the person in the next three blocks away can hear.
There are some people who don't like any thing like this, they cherish the silence. We all are different, and like languages, you cannot speak Yoruba to an hausa man and expect him to hear.
God is in us, but I must tell you that spirituality is way different from all these fancy words, sentences or phrases.
Where I get confused is when we start using our strength to measure our neighbours, or vice versa. There is surely going to be a rift and it would look like we all are spiritually different or that God has an identity disorder, meanwhile, it's our own selfishness, our need to control, instead of letting go.
Spirituality says WAIT! physicality says STRUGGLE.
spirituality says LET GO, physicality says HOLD ON TO.
The moment we begin to see spirituality as a river, the moment we loose rigidity and see the world as a playground, and nothing is forever.
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