Ian Patricks



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I watch as these dead men reply in words her whole soul understood as people dragged these premature dead men on this asphalt. The rain drizzles and crows line up on the road coloring the scene in red sinister colors.
Death is something I cant relate with in this life, where the scenes never skip and the grave try to send out a message, a plea . Their voices are hardly heard, the message is barely passed, but for the weak, they only speak fear.
"On the other side what will I face. I cant live forever.what can she see, where is she now?" Princeton Price ponders as he watches his drowned sister float atop the water.
Its pure cacology when the priests tell us "we cant live forever". A dream within a dream this whole so called existence is for me.
I took my heart away to live forever, and I don't care about the pain. I hope that'll never change.
Too many words weary the soul, but I cant stop as life forever unfolds...

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