Ian Patricks


The Originals

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Slimy steps as you walk down. The heat destroys you before you reach it, but you won't die. Sulphur that normally would choke life out of any living thing is the very air they breathe. Where the fire is most and the crowd less, there they are chained with no hope of being released. The angels which kept not their first estate. These are they who put on a lantern and take it into the sea and is not quenched.
Some men say they are older than metu selah, some others say they may even be older than God himself. We the abnormal ones (above normal) say if they are older than God, then who created them, why do they fear, hate and haste?
Lucifer paces up and down his chamber, some humanlike silver creatures condemned to the background in sexual orgy pausing and playing like an enchantment making no sound. He waves his right hand and they vanish like they weren't ever there. Lucifer is disturbed, time is running out on him and pressure is being mounted on him from the originals in the pit.
The originals who orchestrated the great war and had Lucifer as its conductor. Leviathan said, Lucifer had charisma and was skilled, even an arch angel, would be in the best position to lead such an event. Belial nodded or maybe he was passive about it.
The roof begins to cave in as the walls collapse, but Lucifer blocks his ears to notice.
He disturbs the seas, the other disturbs hearts, filling men's bellies with air; and one is fueled with an ambition of being like the almighty. But there is one whom most do talk about, who accuses and always tries to make the Almighty a liar.
These were once my brethren and we all had one father, until...
Leviathan runs hastily with Belial. On their way I heard them speak "all things fall apart today, my friend..." Leviathan says "...the center of all things shall loose hold" He speaks without haste in his tone, Belial sigh's, like he kept something to himself. I Ian peed on satans stones outside the sanctuary.
They both rush into the sanctuary and noticed satan at the back, grinning to something that probably hasn't been brought to light. The choir commences, Lucifer leads its procession. I pondered his heart and noticed a being captured by pride, led astray by Belial. For he said in his heart " I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High". Dauntless fool, Belial must have filled him with such baloon and satan offered backup.
All they wanted was to rule, be given a chance, while Lucifer wanted the throne.
It is said "lay your hands upon his body, remember the war and do no more."
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