Ian Patricks


Not Forever

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The dead boy lies on his death bed, his relations gathered round him like witches at a coven in session. All we hear is silence, every one thinking what he should at a time like this, and crying silently. He was the first born, the parents should cry. Or so it should be, a show of naked emotions... My brother sees the lifeless body on the hospital bed covered in white sheets, he doesn't understand, "why all the sudden pour out of emotions?" I am stunned... If he was like me who wants the latest sport cars, have a big house with an infinity edged pool, and probably be an art dealer. Slept one day and saw my self in another world and someone said "welcome." I'll be damned with no door to the real world. Silently asking for mercy at the feet of God I know I won't get. Imagine someone or something, putting out these lights.
The pastor says some things that are to water down the situation, but we know he's just doing his job.
Not that I fully understand what is going on, but... some serious stuff is happening here.
They open the coffin, I see the lifeless body. It's dressed in a black and white striped suit, chest not moving, cotton wool stuck in the nose and ears, the eyes are shut and his face is fat. No, the boy is not in this body.
They shut the coffin, the pastor admonishes. They throw the body with the coffin, like a dead dog, into a hole in the ground that they all call a grave.

But, what if the boy's heart stopped for 28 hours, It's barely been 24. Then they lowered the coffin into an opening in the ground, and the boy opens his eyes. But it's too late, he has been buried alive.
The dead boy's aunt cries, but the mother of the body weeps. The father shows no emotion, but when we all leave, he will enter into his room and breakdown.
Violently fate pursues us. We have no right to life, forever.
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