Ian Patricks


Dying Boy

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If those Eden leaves hadn't fallen, I wouldn't be here like this Fallen from heaven I've lost the reason
Spending time with these human leaves,
Dusts following the direction of the wind.
gods never sit at the same table with humans as those demons cannot become friends with mankind.
If I could find my fair virgin and silence the night of its voices;
if I could find that vault king Solomon preserved his wealth before he was vanquished.
Press my lips on her lips,
feel her soul an embodiment of evil
She's Lucifer's, I am Gods- a marriage of heaven and hell
Dante cries, angels weep; I'll survive
I live no more to shame nor me nor you. I am sorry.
The fall is an embodiment of feelings,
Rising, an embodiment of strugles.
The future is bleak, life is a long day ahead.
Still, my main worry is 10 years from now...
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